Webinar 1: Gift of ‘Dyslexia’: An Effective Brain with a difference
9th April 2022 (Time: 11.30 am to 1.00 pm)

Contemporary work in the area of brain structure and its functioning in the processing of information , policy development and implementation across the country as well as insight into the dynamics of learning- teaching process strategies, to skills of evolving family, community and education intuitions interface were discussed by the eminent panelist.

Welcome and about AIWEFA: Ms. Asha Chandra, President AIWEFA

Moderator & Discussant: Prof. Renu Malaviya, Secretary AIWEFA & Prof. Dept. of Education, Lady Irwin College, University of Delhi

Prof. Anupam Ahuja, NCERT International Relations Division (IRD)
Dr. Nandini Singh Chatterjee, UNESCO, MGIEP
Dr. Jayanthi Narayan, Frm. Deputy Director of the National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities, MSJE, GOI

Way Forward: Dr. Adarsh Sharma, Frm. Dirctor, NIPPCID, Frm. Vice President, AIWEFA

Vote of Thanks: Ms. Sarla Manchanda, Frm. Vice President, AIWEFA & Associate Prof. Lady Irwin College, Univ. of Delhi