MNRE Projects 2012-2013
- Cooking in Parabolic Solar Cooker at Village Basunda, April 2012
- Villagers looking at Solar Equipments at Village Garhi Natthe Khan, Feb 2013
- Lamp Lighting at National Seminar – ‘Green and Solar Energy in Rural Areas’ held at IIC, Delhi in July, 2012
- Speakers at National Seminar – ‘Green and Solar Energy for All’ in March 2013 at LIC
SOLAR FAIRS cum TRAINING WORKSHOPS: 9 Solar Fairs cum Training Workshops and two National Seminars were sponsored by Ministry of New & Renewable Energy ( MNRE). 4 Solar Fairs cum Training Workshops were held in 4 villages of Farrukhnagar block of District Gurgaon, namely Daboda, Basunda, Tirpari, Khera Khurrampur in 2012. Five Solar Fairs cum training workshops were organised in 5 villages, namely Mehchana, Alimudinpur, Garhi Natthekhan, Khandewla and Jhtaula of the same block in 2013 on January 28, 29,30 & February 1,2, 2013 respectively.
Each fair was a full day programme and about 125 to 150 village beneficiaries participated in each one of these. The fairs as well as the training programmes were a great success. Through these fairs we were able to create awareness about Solar as well as other alternate sources of energy. Solar energy is really a boon in view of the scarce power supply especially in the rural areas and depleting fossil fuels. The resource persons from AIWEFA, AIWC, Lady Irwin College, Block Development Office, Farrukhnagar, Haryana Renewable Energy Development Agency (HAREDA), Village Sarpanchs, Village Leaders, and Solar Equipment Manufacturers, all worked together in order to convince villagers to use ‘Free Solar Enegy’ and that to buy Solar Equipments they should make use of the Government subsidies and loan facilities from Grameen Banks.They were also encouraged to use ‘Bio-gas’ instead of Cow dung cakes for smokeless fuel, nitrogen rich compost and cleaner plus healthier environment.
he fairs were well attended by both men and women. Children took part in training programmes and various competitions and quizzes with great enthusiasm. Manufacturers displayed their equipments and gave live demonstrations of lamps, fans, cookers etc. Villagers found them really attractive. They also expressed great interest in Solar Invertors and Booster Pumps. Most of the gathering tasted the food cooked in different types of solar cookers.
The first National Seminar, namely “GREEN & SOLAR ENERGY IN RURAL AREAS” , was organised by AIWEFA, and sponsored by MNRE, GOI at IIC, New Delhi on 10th July 2012.
The objective of the Seminar was to create awareness of and offer Solar Energy Solutions in Rural Areas and to suggest entrepreneurship avenues. On one platform AIWEFA brought together Policy Makers, Academics, Manufacturers, Capacity Building experts, NGOs and Beneficiaries.
Besides eminent personalities like Mr. G.B.Pradhan, Secretay MNRE and Mr. Bunker Roy, Founder of Barefoot College, Tilonia,Rrajasthan, we had speakers from MNRE, TERI, DA, SPA, AIWC, Manufacturers, all specialists in their own fields related to Green and solar energy.
The second National Seminar, namely “USE OF SOLAR & GREEN ENERGY FOR ALL” was held at Lady Irwin College , Sikandra Road, New Delhi.on March 25, 2013.The inaugural address was delivered by Dr. A.K. Tripathi, Director MNRE. Besides MNRE, we had speakers from AIWEFA, LIC, AIWC, UPCL, SPA,Manufacturers of Solar Equipments, Solar Preoject-Managers, all specialists in their own fields related to Green and Solar Energy.
Speeches of Dr. Anupa Siddhu, Director, Lady Irwin College and Mr. Satish Upadhayay, Chairman, South Delhi Municipal Council were really motivating for the youth and villagers to adopt to Solar Energy.
As an outcome of these Fairs, Workshops and National Seminars, certain issues related to awareness, cost of solar equipment, repair of these equipments, formation of SHGs, self employment, possibilities of solar booster pumps water table- wise, need of solar invertors etc. came to the fore and need to be addressed. For this we have applied to MNRE to sponsor for 12 more Solar Fairs cum Training Workshops in rural areas and one follow up National Seminar. We are also planning to apply for sponsorship of 2 Training Programmes for ‘Repair & Maintenance of Solar Equipments.The training is intended for those service providers in the villages who already have repair and maintenance shops for electrical and electronic gadgets.